About Living French Life

Vivre la vie française

Living French Life


Annick Guerin


Andy About Page


Andy Graham


Andy About Page


Andy Graham


Living French Life


Annick Guerin


My name is Andy Graham a UK based businessman, tutor and author with a passion for France and French life. I am married to Lynn, we have four children and two granddaughters and another grandchild on the way. We live in the beautiful Lake District and make regular trips to France each year whether it be for European Town Twinning trips, holidays or seeing our good friends.


Living French Life has been set up for people who like me, share this passion, interest and fascination for this remarkable country. The site will also be of interest to people who want to brush up on language skills or who have an interest in French Mediterranean Cuisine.

Part of our mission is to promote French Mediterranean Cuisine and associated health benefits,  Take a look the cuisine section tab which extols  the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet typical to the South of France and why this diet is recommended by leading cardiologists and health experts.


I am also pleased to include a page on how to purchase my book "How to Cook Delicious, Home Made and Wholesome French Cuisine" a collaboration with my good friend and restaurateur Annick Guérin who lives in the Mediterranean region of France.

Some wonderful quote and statistic about the effect of the Mediterranean Diet on health


Learn more about the Mediterranean Diet›